Friday, September 2, 2011

Isolated sharing online

Sharing thoughts is a natural act of the homo-sapiens. Mommy used to say “Son! You better learn to share” As kids, we thought that she is advising to share materials only. 

People say that one can lighten one’s heart by exchanging thoughts with someone. If you do not find someone, say it loud against the wall and if you do not find a wall, write it down so that others also know what you are thinking.

These are not the sermons of a scholar, nor the agitating thoughts of any high profile mind, but simple feelings of a sensitive individual who gets deeply affected from the ills of society and is always in search of solutions for the betterment of his own self, fellow beings and society members.

The opening question is: Why do we tend to isolate ourselves from people around us? Not desiring that they may know who we really are by sharing our deep thoughts. Instead, we only have casual conversations about weather and so. Then we see that most people feel the need to share those deep thoughts over the internet. Why can’t we work on having a more bounded society by showing our neighbors, co-workers and so who we really are by telling what we really think? Wouldn’t that be a nicer world to live in?

Like it or lump it! It is always better to be a real person than to be a fake person, because if you are nothing more than a shell to the people you meet, it hurts you and them both. The reason why we have such a hard time with face-to-face contact is because our society seems to have forgotten how to communicate when we are around other people. It's also often easier to talk to a complete stranger about our problems to get advice because that person doesn't know us really well so they won't be as judgmental about who we really are. I know it's sad that the world has come to this, but if parents want to raise healthy children, they really need to work on the communication issues. A good way to do that is to set a good example themselves and treat each other with respect and dignity. Something that has been lost among the ages.

This world would be such a nicer place if we all could get along, but since we all can't, maybe we could find a way to settle our differences by talking instead of yelling. Politeness and kindness is rewarded higher than evil deeds. If we could remember to be polite and kind, it would make a better world to live in.

Although it is not advisable to cry over spilt milk but one must always see why it happened , how best it could have been avoided and how it can be avoided in future. There is always a room for improvement, space for mending our ways and opportunity for positive efforts. Leaving everything on luck or fate is not a healthy sign, we must always perform self assessment on daily basis . We should better emphasize on what we have done for our society rather than demanding what society can do for us. 

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